Wednesday, August 3, 2011

American Falls Trip

It was great taking a week to see the family and getting away from civilization for a while.  We started off with a a few great days at the family Ranch.  My brother-in-law was also visiting and is a wildlife biologist.  One of his hobbies is banding humming birds, so we helped him out a bit.  After he's done banding them, we get to release them...

A shot of my cuties...

 While we were there we had a bit of a photo shoot for Claire.  One of the outfits was this cute vandals cheerleader outfit we got from our good friends Ben and Missy...but I have to say Grandpa Kent sported them pom-poms mighty good!

 Chillin' with Daisy in front of the Ranch house.  Claire's having a great time, but Daisy could care less...she just wants the tennis ball in her hand!

 A field of wild flax (aka Lewis Flax) on the road up to the ranch...

 Beautiful view of wild sunflowers at the top of the hill on the way to the ranch with Bannock peak in the background...

 On one of the trips up to the ranch, we found a young hawk that appeared to be stuck in the middle of the road.  We figure it tried to fly out of the nest but was not ready for it, and was now stuck on the ground.  I draped a jacket over him and donned some gloves to try and avoid the gnarly talons this little guy was already sporting...then I placed him in the bushes away from the road...

 We also had a chance to visit with the's always good to see them and I really only get to see them about once a year.  We had an epic water fight, too!

The cousins all together...

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