Saturday, August 20, 2011

Adventure Ride, Friday, July 29th: Day 7

As I was getting ready this morning, I noticed my tool tube looked a little "limp" so I took a closer find that the pipe had melted a hole through it!  The carbon-flushing plug in the exhaust pipe had rattled out and now there was a 1/2" hole torching the plastic tube below.  To make things even better, the tube was also just hanging on by the 'safety' zip-ties I'd installed 'just-in-case'.  It turns out that maybe I hit those bumps the day before juuuuusst a bit too fast!?

  The worst part about this situation is that I had all the tools a guy could ever need...but I had to borrow tools to get the damn thing off!  I couldn't get the lid off cuz the threads had melted...thanks for the tools, Mike!  After the tube was off, it just took a bit o' banging to get the lid off...
  We decided to see Hell's Canyon that day, so we headed east to New Meadows and then north to Riggins again for a BFB: a burger, fries, and kidding, that was the special!  Mike got a little something 'special' in his burger...the little paper you get between the cheeze slices!  For a guy who doesn't like burgers, he ate damn near half the thing before he noticed the paper.  The cook was real cool about it, apologizing with a healthy smile...she even signed Mike's $15 'Seven Devils' T-shirt.  Mine didn't come with the 'special' paper, but I must say it was a mighty fine burger.  It wasn't a Kamiah 'Hub' burger though...I still have dreams about THAT meal...
Seven Devils Steakhouse
After getting our fill of the tasty BFB and topping off the CamelBaks, we were on our way to Hells' Canyon!
Atop Hell's Canyon

Scotty on the Bumblebee atop Hell's Canyon
I started worrying a bit when the trees disappeared and the temperature seemed to be rising.  This was a really fun road, and it seemed to see minimal traffic. 
The last rest before plunging into the canyon
This is some view!  That squiggly thingy in the middle of the screen is the lower part of the grade to Pittsburgh Landing.  The upper part was FULL of switchbacks on some of the gnarliest washboard we had seen the whole trip.
The Grade down to Pittsburgh Landing
...remember when Fud described the Salmon River canyon as the 'butt crack of mother nature'?  Well, if the Salmon River canyon is the butt-crack, then Hell's Canyon is the fermented toe-jam between her toesies!  It was hot as Hell.....'s canyon!  Once we got down there, the last thing on anybody's mind was picture-taking (except Fud - pic below).  It only took 10 minutes to dry my shirt after soaking it in the river.  Time to get out of here!
Pittsburgh Landing
   Going up the Pittsburgh Landing Grade, we felt every bump of the washboard we cruised over on the way down.  The great thing is the temp dropped by like 10 degrees up the grade...
  We decided to make our way to Whitebird and try to find a campsite that wouldn't cook our nuts too much.  What better way to find a place than to ask a local over a cold beer in the local tavern?  We got no farther than our butts off the chops when a somewhat 'colorful' later-aged woman in a pretty white dress/skirt, old leather cowboy hat, and calf-high army boots asked us what we were up to over her smoldering cigarette.  I was in a bit of shock...I just didn't quite know what do think of the site!  I also think she was eying Fud, but it could have also been Scotty...or both!  Mike somehow managed to find it in him to talk to her and found out the Hammer Creek campsite that we had passed on the way in was a good place to rest the bones.  We ordered a $3 pitcher...I'm pretty sure that's what it was-it was CHEAP!  Scott and I were about ready to dig in when we heard, "Don't pour those little bastard's yet!  I haven't seen their ID's!".  Don't take offense moms, she didn't mean it...she's just looking out for her job.  The spunky old waitress moseyed over to check out the yungsta's ID's.  I was honestly a little scared of her...she seemed like one feisty grammy! 
   After the beer, we were on our way to the night's resting place...Hammer Creek.  It was blowing 25 mph (about a 2-club wind), and I was having one HELL of a time pitching my tent!  After I finally got it up, I noticed Mike sitting on a stump watching all 'us idiots pitching tents in the wind.  He waited an hour, the wind died down, and he pitched the prophylactic in record time.  Smart feller....
Coolin' off in the river

Camp for the night
 Fud and I tried a bit of fishing, but after Fud lost a lure he was done!  I only lasted another half-hour before I hung it up fish yet this trip!
Makin' Dinner
The Steeds in the stable
Day 7 Track

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