Monday, August 22, 2011

Adventure Ride, Sunday, July 31st: Day 9 (Final Day!)

So here we are...the last day of an epic trip.  What better way to wake up to a nice babbling stream next to your tent...
Palouse 'River'...more like stream
 To my surprise, Fud  beat everyone up...just in time to see Mike crawl out of the prophylactic...

Yessss!  The last night in this tent!

  What wasn't talked about but I'm sure was on everyone's mind were their hunny's back home...
Fud n' da pinky
...well...except for Fud...he pretty much says what's on his mind.  Every time he says something he cracks me up...this day was no exception.  The only problem is that I don't really feel comfortable repeating ANYTHING he said on this blog!  The guy just reminds me of a retired sailor...'nuf said!
  Our campsite was down a small muddy hill, which we had to go up on the way out of camp.  Some did it with a little more style than others...
Scotty Ridin' the rear..almost too fast to capture on film!

The mule takin' er nice n' easy
  We stopped again in St. Maries at the local diner for our last breakfast of the trip.  After breakfast, the scenic loop around Coeur d'Alene Lake brought us to the c-ya later pullout...
C-ya later
 We all checked out the scenery a bit and said our goodbyes...the end of a great trip!  I think Fud had a bit of pent-up anxiety from not being out front since the Magrudor incident...or maybe his hunny was on his mind... either way, he took off first like a bat out of hell!  I didn't see him after the first 2 miles of interstate!  I think it was just tunnel vision...
  Here's the final track of the trip:

Day 9 Track
  I rolled into the driveway, got off the steed, and had a very happy wife waiting for me at the door.  Good to be home!  Absence makes the heart grow fonder....
  So I learned a lot on this trip (this might get a bit sentimental, so grab your hanky)...stuff like: packing lighter, suspension needs on the bike, where not to put tool tubes....but the biggest lesson wasn't about the hardware or how to ride better.  Riding, for me, is %80 about who you ride with.  Really, you could be with a bunch of boneheads on a day-ride and it ruins the day.  But if you have guys to ride with that are really great to be around, that other %20 just becomes that much better...exponentially.  All these guys I would ride and camp with again...which says a lot.  Ask my wife, I don't camp with just anybody.  I took a chance on Fud, who I didn't know, and am glad I did...
  Special thanks to:
Mike: Trail Boss n' head-honcho...master of all terrain

The Fud: Comic relief, owner of infamous 'granola chair', master of all 'Fudisms'

Scotty & Bumblebee: the shredders of dirt road

My poor tired mule
Can't wait for the next trip!  Phildo signing off...

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