Monday, September 26, 2011

Riding in St. Joe Ntnl. Forest; 9-17-2011

  So when my buddy Ron said he'd like to do some riding this last Saturday, I didn't realize what he meant.  His version of riding is being on the steed at the break of dawn, and riding dark-to-dark!  You better bring a headlight and some extra gas, because he's out to put some miles on!
  Seriously though, I kinda liked getting on the dirt that early.  It's cool and the brisk breeze at 40 mph wakes you up in a hurry!  We parked the rigs at Lookout Ski Area and rode into Loop Creek Road, where we were going to meet our friend Jason for some trail-scouting.  On the way Ron took me on a side-trip to see Copper Lake...(pictures to come later)...
  After the scenic route back from the lake, we decided to meet up with Jason.  Ron had stashed a few dehydrated meals that he thought would be good for breakfast, so I picked Mac'n cheeze.  After the first few bites I noticed the expiration on the meal was dated when I was in high school...they don't go bad do they?  After breakfast Ron took us around to a few trailheads that looked really promising.  After scouting out 3 trailheads Jason and I picked this one...a richter trail climbing up to Shefoot Peak
J-dog's steed in the rut
  ..yeah, that's a 450 buried in a rut.  This was one of about eight of the gnarliest switchbacks I've ever seen...'s a goat-trail
 This pic really shows just how steep this mountainside was...and why the damn switchbacks were so tiring.  What this pic doesn't show is the ankle-deep dirt 'powder' on every one of these switches.  There was literally NO traction, which meant that you really had to carry the momentum to make it without getting off the bike.  If you look behind Jason, you'll see just how narrow this single-track was...good thing there were trees or a slight mistake downhill could end in tragedy.  There were a few areas where I banged the pegs on rocks and trees just to stay on the about something that will make the butt pucker!  And somehow I was having a really great time...
Sheesh!  Steep!
 We finally got some relief from the switchbacks and enjoyed some really great wooded single-track up the ridge to Tanglefoot Point.  What a view this was! 
Tanglefoot Point
 Another mile or so and we were finally there...
Shefoot Peak
 After this jaunt we decided to head back to camp and have a few beers...the beginning of the trail really took it out of us.  After a few energy drinks (kokanee's my fave), we enticed Jason's girlfriend Annette (spelling?) to get on a bike and ride with us to Avery.  She did pretty well considering she hadn't ridden in eight years.  We took Bullion Road down to the Milwaukee Road which ends just a few hundred feet up the road at Avery.  I never even knew this road existed...pretty cool!  Along the way, Jason and I rode up a single track for a quick look that still has me dreaming to go back...just LOOK at all the trails!
Full Track

Shefoot Area
   All-in-all it was a great day, and we found some stuff that I want to go back for.  I think I might have found my new favorite area to explore...

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