Monday, November 25, 2013

2013 Adventure Ride, Day 9 (July 28)

  There were quite a few motorcyclists leaving the RV park before us, so we figured it was time to skittle.  We arrived in Pewiston...I mean Lewiston - if you've ever been there you know what I b talkin' 'bout - stinky papermill - 'nuf said.   The bikes got their tanks filled while we chatted up the station clerk for a decent place for morning chow.  As usual, it was attended by a teenager that didn't know much of anything...we must be back in civilization again.  He knew of a waffle house - didn't know how to get there but he knew there was one close by.  Isn't that kinda like 'hey, I'd really like to drive that Porsche out there, but if I could only find the keys....'.  My wifey used to live in the Pew for a few years so I luckily remembered there were a couple good places to eat on the main drag...and figured it would be our best bet.  I figured right...
  We had a great meal...for CHEAP at the Waffle House and I told the gents I had one last road we needed to ride...Old Lewiston Grade.  Better known as....wait for it...the Old Spiral Highway...

Lewiston's Old Spiral Highway

...and yes, it IS as twisty as it looks.  Not only is it curvy as a prom date but every corner is pitched just right - almost like a race car driver designed it.  I've been up and down this thing quite a few times but it never gets old.


   The overlook was the last stop, and we were ready to be home.  They went their way and I went mine through Moscow on home.  I almost thought about heading home the afternoon before, but I'm sure glad I didn't because that was the longest 120 miles of the trip.  All, it doesn't take long of your head getting pounded by wind to start REALLY missing the dirt roads.  But I took the opportunity while my head was in a tumbler to reflect on the ride.  We only had a few small repairs and nobody got hurt and I got to see some new country and try some tighter trails...and loved every bit of 'em.  There's still trail and road I haven't seen in those same areas that will make me want to come back and I saw stuff that makes a guy just say 'WOW'.  Finally, the dudes you ride with make the trip.  That last bit will always be a huge one for me.  No matter how great the weather and trail conditions are, if you ride with a bunch of goobers you'll have a goober ride.  I always enjoy riding with these two...and deep down I really missed Fud...even if he's Fud. 
  In total we traveled 1310 miles and the tallest peak was hit at 8600 feet.  I can't wait for the next ride...who knows where it will take us.  Montana has some great undiscovered roads and there's always Canada - only problem there is I'd have to trade the pistol for a shotgun.  Hmmm...the tough choices we have to make... until next time!
Day 9 Elevation Plot

Day 9 GPS Track

Trip GPS Track

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