Sunday, August 4, 2013

Getting Ready for the Adventure Ride

  Sorry this is actually after the fact, but I'm still going to stick with present-tense verbage so's not to confuse anybody...and maybe make my old english teacher proud!  The ride is a week away and this is what my chop looks like:
 ...and yes, I'm freaking out just a little bit.  At this point in time the garage should be staged with all my bike krap and getting ready to put on the bike.  But nooooo....I'm fixing s#%$ instead.  Here's the backstory:
  During the Black Dog ride this year I decided to ride the KLR the first day on the B-course and the KTM the second day on the A-course.  Great plan in theory...but halfway through the first day on the KLR the battery went dead.  The great think about KLR's is the accessory and engine juice-maker on the stator are two separate circuits, so it will still run....if you can get it started....IF you can bump start it.  Anyway, back to the main topic.
  I went in slight panic-mode and started buying everything I thought might be the problem.  Once I had a new battery and rectifier on order I went into troubleshooting mode.  Luckily, it only took about an hour of touching wires to other wires and deciphering multimeter readings to find the culprit:
 Those two yellow wires should actually be one yellow wire and is one of three wires supplying juice to the rectifier/regulator from the stator.  Lord knows how long this thing has been fried, but after I got the new rectifier I noticed they didn't really look the same...
 ...which kinda makes me wonder if I either got an 'updated' rectifier or someone tried to fix this problem already and punted after the new part didn't fix it.  Well, I have to say I was on cloud nine knowing I found and will fix the problem...and those bozos before me didn't...I had just a little satisfaction out of that.  But then I started to wonder, '...wwwhhyy was the wire shorted?' and '...I wonder if it will happen again?' and '...I wonder in what god-forsaken place it will fail and leave me searching for hills...'.

  Being the brave soul I am I decided to let it ride and see what happens.  Not really...if you know me at all I am the exact opposite-had you goin' though.  I made sure the battery had a full charge and rode it for a couple of days, and whataya worked!  (little fist pump)  Now on to the real show...packin' my 80 lbs of crap in a 50 lb bag!

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