Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jousted by a tree...Laird Dirt-biking - May 20, 2012

  My buddy Darcy was nice enough to invite me to go riding with him, his brother-in-law, and Nolan just between Potlatch and St. Maries off the Divide Road.  It was a great ride with amazing forest, sweet climbs, and no rocks.  Coming back on a trail, Nolan asked if anyone wanted to lead.  I was eager to stop breathing fumes and dust, so I took off.  This trail was amazing...tight single-track with quick turns and rollers accompanied by the occasional switchback.  Since most of it was downhill, I put the bike in neutral and shut if off...essentially turning it into a heavy downhill mountain bike. 
  I was having a bit too much fun...fun sometimes leads to speed.  I came into a muddy corner a bit too hot, so instead of laying it down I decided to take the turn a foot or two wide and come back on the trail.  As soon as I did, I knew I made a mistake - the sawed-off tip of a downed tree was pointing straight at me.  The trail had turned to a raised section, leaving me two options: take my chances with the tree or going even father off the trail...not knowing what else may be lurking in the forest.  Before I could make up my mind the tree decided for me.  I caught it in my left thigh and instantly felt pain, "Oh shit," I thought, "I just got skewered!".  After the bike stopped rolling I collected myself enough to look down at my thigh, fully expecting a tree to be sticking in me like a toothpick.
  To my surprise and relief, the pants and shorts had kept it from going in.  I was shaken enough I needed to sit down...about that time everyone else started rolling in asking what happened.  Figuring it was just going to be a hell of a bruise, I rode on.  A couple hours later I noticed a wet spot on my pants.  We made our way back to the rigs and I decided to hang it up for the day, and the guys wanted to see the bruise.  I lifted my shorts and this is what I found:
...yeah, ouchy.  Riding for two hours with an open  wound?  Not good...the two-hour ride back to Post Falls gave me plenty of time to think about how this could be bad: Infection, bleeding, torn muscle, ect...in any case I was screwed and the wifey was not going to be happy with me.
  Longer story short, Joyce took it amazingly well and I only needed 4 stitches.  It didn't even bruise 'cause all da blood came out da hole!  Still though, should be more careful...I gots kids now and  things called responsibilities...

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