Friday, August 5, 2011

Adventure Ride, Sunday, July 24th: Day 2

We broke camp and headed out for day 2.  The goal was to ride over the Lolo Motorway (a.k.a. high-line road) and spend the night at Lolo Hot springs.  The Lolo Motorway is the old Lewis and Clark trail that parallels the Lolo Highway (Hwy 12).  
Day 2 Track
Rolling into the start of Lolo Motorway
Informational Board at beginning of Lolo Motorway (road seen at left of picture)
A view from the Motorway
 The trail was unbelievable once we got on it.  The road turned from sloshy gravel to perfect dirt bliss!  Here are a few shots of the trail...just beautiful...
Lolo Motorway Road
Mike ripping down the motorway
 I was having such a great time, but alas it all ended when we saw too much white stuff.  We made it over the first leftover drift...

Powering over the snow...with a little help from Scotty

Feeling good after conquering the snow...
...until we turned the corner and saw this:
Scott ripped up the road to see what he could see.  I was hoping there were only a few of these burms, but he returned drenched in sweat with a sparkly clean bike...I knew he had pushed a ton of snow!  Time to turn around...
  We decided to make our way to the Lolo Highway so we could still spend the night at Lolo Hot springs.  It had started getting damn hot, and all the motorcycle gear we were wearing just made it worse.   We took advantage of a cold stream on the way down to Highway 12...Fud couldn't wait to get to the hot springs and soak his tired bones!
Cooling off in a stream

 As we rolled into Kamiah for the second time this trip, Mike found this great bar/restaraunt called 'The Hub'.  After spending a few minutes trying to balance my overloaded KLR on the melting asphalt under the kickstand, I was really looking forward to a cold one.  We were all a bit hungry so all but Fud got this big burger.  Fud got the sally burger - that's the one your date gets to make sure she doesn't look like a pig on the first date.  I forgot what they call this giant of deliciousness, but it was the biggest hamburger they make and it was AMAZING!  It was so damn big I had to cut it in half just to wrap a lip around it!  Two 1/4 lb garlic-seasoned patties, and egg, bacon, ham lettuce, tomato, pickles...and who knows what else...
The kitchen sink...and more!

Scotty sportin' the big mac daddy of all burgers
 I was so hungry it went down in a matter of minutes...I figure if I scarfed it down before my stomach saw it coming I'd have a fighting chance of maybe getting to my fries too!  I didn't get to the fries, but we sure impressed the waitress with our hoover-like prowess.  Turns out this burger is the second-best burger in Idaho.  And a questionable source had told us that the first-place winner had stopped in to try it...and said that it tasted way better than theirs...the first-place winner just happened to be bigger...
  The ride over Lolo was beautiful but uneventful.  After stopping for a break, we let Fud take the lead.  Turns out, Fud had his eye on the prize.  He was sore and he knew Sunday night at Lolo was 'clothing optional' between 9 and midnight, and he wasn't going to miss out on that!  With the tunnel vision Fud had took us the rest of the way to Lolo without a rest...he wasn't gonna stop until he saw those steamin' waters!  After watching him almost get pushed off the road by a car that was passing that he didn't see, I was ready to be done...and finally we arrived...
Bungalo at Lolo Hot Springs
  I don't have any more pictures of the rest of the night, but the pools were great!  There weren't any naked people in the hot pools, but I really wasn't that disappointed!  We got a fire going that night and our neighbor 'GS1000 Dan' came over to chat with us.  I was pretty sauced by that time and apparently Dan and I got along really well...I only remember that he was some sort of Engineer.  He brought out a tiny box of wine, Scott said 'that's not a good combo...' thing I know I'm messed up arguing with Ralph the rest of the bueno...

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