Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2013 Adventure Ride, Day 5 (July 24)

  After a great night's sleep we were up-and-at-'em early.  I had awakened to quite a few 2-stroke and 4-stroke cycles riding north up the best I could figure there was some sort of poker run or other organized ride.  It was lookin' to be a beautiful day and we were eager to get to Shoup...

  As we turned onto dirt road the views became increasingly awesome...simple, but awesome.  The great thing about taking 'great' photos is that anybody can take nice pictures.  As long as you have something really cool to shoot it seems to always be a 'great' photo.  Kinda makes me wanna go back to Alaska...

  So this area had seen it's fair share of fires last year.  The trees were well-charred but the new growth was pretty cool...great contrast

  The valleys were really filling with smoke from the McGruder fires...

Miles and miles of mountain range...

Me trusty steed

Smokey landscapes can be purdy in a way...
  We popped out onto the Salmon River Road from the Indian Creek Road which is between Shoup and North Fork.  We had been told there was gas to be had in Shoup so we opted to plunge deeper into the wilderness...
The Shoup Store...what else can I say?
  ...yes, those are for reals gravity-fed gas pumps...and yes they work.  We were hungry so we decided to see what they may have to offer for some lunch...

  It's a for reals, condiments, canned goods, fishing equipment...hell I bet they had a rifle for sale if you asked the right questions!  I have to say the pulled pork sandwich left something to be desired, but the cold beer was much-appreciated!  We even scored some brats from the kitchen!  It turns out the place was under 'new' ownership...this guy and his two teenage sons run it...

  As we were filling up one of the juniors said 'dad, we should get some bikes...'...this really made me realize just how lucky I was to be able to do trips like this.  I could tell the kid had a brain...when I was his age I was thinking with my...

  We filled our tanks and bellies and were all getting anxious to get in the river.  Personally, I was getting excited about fishing, so we were off...

The Salmon River
  Scotty said he saw a huge bird fly over and land in these rocks...I never saw it so I'm hoping he can point out something in this pic...otherwise...look at all dem big rocks!

  The road was really good, and seemed to be really well traveled.... 

    Scott was up front and found himself in a herd of sheep! 


Bald Eagle on the river

Confluence of Salmon River and Middle Fork of Salmon River

Well, there it is...the end of the road - Corn Creek Campground.  We got in around 2:00 and there wasn't anybody there!  We really lucked the best spot close to the water and no neighbors.  Oh boy!

    We set up camp and took a look around.  We'd heard there was a diner or lounge around and asked the two forest service gals on post there where it was.  They both kinda giggled and asked how good a swimmer I was.  Turned out it was on the OTHER side of the river and nobody was running boats over there.  How inconvenient!  Even worse, we didn't have enough to drink for the night...
  I was reading this plaque and wouldn't you know it...a gal walked right across this area, regardless of the many signs saying 'Do Not Walk On Grass'...people suck

Man the river felt good!
  As we were sitting in the river boat after boat was soon became clear that we weren't going to be alone here tonight at all.  This was the launch site for the Salmon River float trips!  I couldn't believe I didn't think of this.  It's no wonder the grouse were so friendly...they probably get fed by people on a daily basis. I almost tried hand-baggin' one for dinner but brats and chili sounded better.

Grouse = dumb

Trusty birdies...
  Turns out one of the first to show up was a group of kidding...for reals. I couldn't figure out why they wouldn't say 'hi' back until their van driver spilled the beans for us.  About this time we ran out of whiskey and beer...and  unfortunately the 'gals' down on the river were the last ones likely to give us booze.  Not to worry though...there were VAN-loads of people filling the campground.

  With nothing to drink I decided I'd rub elbows with our neighbors on the beach and try my hand at some fly-fishing.  Turns out it was a pretty good spot!  I caught a 14-inch and a 10-inch rainbow.  Not bad!  I got so excited over a nibble from another one that I yanked so hard the line came back in my face.  Needless to say, I had a rats nest and fishing was over.

    Upon my return I found out Mike and Scott were successful in bumming some beers from a chap that happened to ride a KLR as well and was eyein' my chop.  You could say he was a fan of mine...turns out I was a fan too!  Thanks for the beers!

...and....even more boaters...

Some cheeky bloke thought he'd be funny...mission accomplished...Scotty you rascal!
   Our neighbors had a particularly annoying cowboy that not only was loud but very obnoxious.  They were yelling and hollerin' until like 2:00 in the morning.  And worse yet, they didn't take pity on us and share a beer or two - even though they had two gigantimous coolers full.  With idiot cowboy next door and campers constantly walking through our camp this experience really didn't turn out the way we expected.  On a positive note, we had some great chili brats...and managed to not blow the top off the can!  Who would have thought with nobody in the camp at 2:00 there would be over 100 people by midnight?!  Boats continued to be launched through the night and into the morning...geesh...what a circus.

Day 5 GPS Track

Day 5 Elevation Plot


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Slayin' the Kokes'

  I interrupt the recent publications on the adventure ride (that happened back in July, I might add - what can I's been uber busy) to make this important announcement: I know what I'm doing.
  Let's take it back to this spring where the story started with a very non-savvy boat feller who will go nameless happened upon a deal of a lifetime on a boat loaded and ready for fishing...mostly.  After some wiring I started taking my two buddies Doug and Matt out fishing.  Now, I don't remember who's idea it was but we got into our heads that we REALLY wanted to fish for Kokanee in Hayden Lake.  The allure to it all probably stemmed from the fact that we thought it was the only salmon that we could fish this close to home.  Before you correct me in saying that Chinook are plentiful in CDA lake let me clarify that we THOUGHT it was the only salmon we could fish close to home.  Let me continue...I'm getting off subject here!
  We had some luck during quick trips after work...a fish here...a fish there.  Sometimes rainbow and sometimes kokes' that were too small to keep.  After getting fed up with all the summer traffic on Hayden I decided it was time to try someplace new.  So we fished CDA lake a while.  Now, when I say we tried for these damn slimy species I mean we started in June and continued to fish for them (unsuccessfully) through the summer.  We spent hours on the lake getting roasted by the sun and drinking countless gourmet beers (provided by Matt) watching our rods do nothing.  Small downriggers found on Craigslist were added to the boat to make sure we were right where we saw the fish on the fish finder.  Many hours were spent on the internet trying to figure out what we were doing wrong.  What type of attractors to use, how fast to drift, what angle to travel relative to the sun, what colors to use during what time of day, where and how to add snubbers to the tackle, how far behind the boat to drift the lures on the downriggers...and last but not least...the correct voltage across the lines needed to attract the specific species we were fishing for.  Yes, that's right...we three engineers even had a damn multimeter out there trying to figure out why these things weren't attracted to us.  Strangely, it was a familiar feeling...we are three engineers you know...
  So here's where I get to the part where I was fed up with this fishing ruse - I was ready to give up.  Then one weekend morning I talked to my neighbors who had also been fishing throughout the year and tried koke fishing a few times with no luck.  They were heading to CDA lake where they heard that the bite really picks up after the first frost.  Well, that was all it took to get me out on the lake again the next day.  Unfortunately Matt was in CA at a nice warm beach watching whales and stuff while Doug and I landed 16 kokanee in four hours.
Beautiful...friggin' cold...but gorgeous

...and how we slay them...
  I could hardly believe goodness we were thrilled!  So thrilled that we decided to go again with Matt on Tuesday in a 40-degree rainstorm - and we landed another respectable 24.  About this time my wife borrowed a small electric smoker from a friend and I got to try my hand at smoking fish.  Turns out it ain't that hard...and they taste pretty damn good!  If I don't say so myself...
  Well a week passed and I thought for sure the kokes had spawned out but we decided to go again today.  Two hours in and we had over 20...and we joked about 'limiting out'. 

Three hours in and we were over 30...and it was game on!  Long story short...we landed our limit in four hours - 15 each for a total of 45!  Needless to say, it was a busy time cleaning, gutting, and smoking these.  I'm still working on it since the smoker only holds 15 at a time...on a good day. 

...This message was brought to you by three engineers who know what they are doing...just sayin'...