Sunday, January 6, 2013

Delta Pusher Foamy Build

    In an endless quest to find another way to fill my ever-dwindling free time, I have picked up another hobby.  Actually, this hobby started when I was much younger but never really 'took off'...hee don't get the pun yet...
Top View, with servos

Bottom side
   This is my new radio controlled delta wing...well the beginning of one anyway.  I got the idea from my parents who had seen some 'lights in the sky' one night while drinking on their deck.  No, not a UFO, but a neighbor dude that was flying something similar with LED strips on it so he could fly it at night.
  I've had a glider and a trainer hanging from my ceiling since....well...I was like twelve and never got the ca-honeys to fly them in fear of endowing $ into the ground, a tree, or even worse a house.  After doing some searching on the interweb I found some videos on building one of these little jobbies out of foam boards from Micheal's and Home Depot.  The video can be seen here.  So my hope is this: between flying a few of these into the ground (buying the farm - thanks Mr. Yeager!) and terrorizing the cats, dog, and wife with my Christmas present to me:
..dammitt...blogspot turned the pic again...sorry for the crink in your neck!
  I'll keep you all updated on the completion of the delta wing!